Friday, October 15, 2010

Food Waste…70 times more than the BP oil spill for Americans in one year! Yikes!

Food Waste…70 times more than the BP oil spill for Americans in one year! Yikes!

I ran across this link via a friend of mine on Facebook. This is incredible. If you have 9 minutes to spare, click here and press the play on the audio strip.

I am so glad Nature’s Express already gets this….Really, very little goes to waste in our store and at the end of the day our employees take whatever fries and quinoa macaroni noodles are left over (which is minimal due to proper planning) to gobble up at home! I used to get the benefit of soup leftovers too, but Joel, our chef, figured out a way to finish off the day with NO soup leftovers!! Boo Hoo for me.

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